Responsibilities (who does what)

Functions and Responsibilities

The duties of the Town Council - the functions which it must carry out - are limited, but its powers - the areas where it has discretion to act if it chooses - are wide.

As well as taking direct action in a number of areas, the Council responds to many consultation papers from numerous other organisations, and also lobbies other bodies on matters of importance to local residents and businesses. In addition, councillors are appointed to represent the Council on many other local groups, schools, etc.

Since its inception in 1996, the Town Council has assumed responsibility for a number of areas from Epping Forest District Council, as well as implementing its own schemes.

More details of the Council's responsibilities may be viewed below.

Who does what in local government in Loughton

County Hall, Chelmsford
03456 037631

• Most schools
• Special education
• Nursery, Adult and Community
• Youth service

Heritage and culture

• Strategic planning
• Mineral and waste planning
• Highway development control
• Historic buildings

Economic Development and Enterprise

Personal Social Services
Securing provision for the elderly, children and those with disabilities

• Public transport
• Highways and footpaths
• Street lighting
• Traffic management
• On and off-street car parking enforcement

Emergency Planning

Recreation and Art
• Parks and open spaces
• Museums and galleries
• Encouraging tourism
• Libraries

Births, Marriages & Deaths

Consumer and public protection
• Trading standards
• Public analysis

Environmental Services
Refuse disposal by the provision of Civic Amenity sites

Civic Offices, High Street, Epping
01992 564000

• Letting and re-letting council accommodation
• Management and maintenance of housing stock,
  policy and co-ordination
• Homelessness
• Sheltered accommodation

Housing Benefits

Community Safety

• Local plans
• Planning applications
• Historic buildings and conservation areas
• Tree Preservation Orders

• Footpaths (cleaning)
• Bus passes

Economic Development

Electoral Registration and Administration

Environmental Services
• Refuse collection
• Street cleansing
• Clean air and pollution control
• Building regulations
• Environmental Health
  (includes food safety and pest control)
• Health and safety
• Public conveniences
• Street naming and numbering

Recreation and Art
• Parks and open spaces
• Swimming pools
• Sports centres & facilities
• Support for the arts and culture
• Museums
• Encouraging tourism

Emergency Planning

Council Tax and Uniform Business Rate collection

Licences including
• Premises and Alcohol
• Street collections

1 Buckingham Court, Rectory Lane, Loughton

020 8508 4200


Loughton Cemetery

Open Spaces
• Roding Valley Recreation Ground including
  football pitches and tennis courts
• Kings Green and Standard Green
• Hillyfields and Millennium Remembrance Grove
• The Lindens
• Willingale Road Playing Field
• Lady Whitaker’s Mead
• Land adjacent to Willingale Road allotments
• Memorial Rose Garden

Planning and Licensing
• Commenting on local and strategic plans
• Commenting on planning and licensing
  applications and Tree Preservation Order
• Building design awards

Kingsley Hall and
Murray Hall
(Community Centres)

Playgrounds and outdoor gyms

Heritage Plaques

Street Furniture (Litter Bins, Bus Shelters and Seats)
• Highway seats outside town centres
• Alleyway name plates (some)
• Salt/grit bins (some)
• Drinking Fountain (High Road)
• Christmas lights

War Memorials

Small grants to local organisations

Emergency Planning

Community Matters
• Community events
• “Think Loughton” newsletter
• Local noticeboards
• Christmas card and Christmas window competitions