Think Loughton Newsletter

Think Loughton, our award winning community newsletter, is published quarterly and delivered to over 15,000 homes and business in Loughton.  We hope you enjoy the digital version.

First published in 1998 as a 2-colour version, it now offers 16 full colour pages packed with local news and information. The newsletter lets you know what we're doing and hope to do in the future, and also provides an opportunity for you to tell the people of Loughton and the town council what you do or what local issues concern you. We want to hear from local groups about their forthcoming events, what services they provide, when and where they meet - anything which may be of interest to local residents. Use Think Loughton (and the website) to publicise your events, rally support for a cause or just let us know your thoughts about Loughton, past or present.

If you have any views on the newsletter, any ideas on how it could be improved, features you would like included or any comments, we will endeavour to incorporate them. Photographs always add interest to an article, so remember to include one when you can.

We also provide a "Dates for the Diary" section in which to advertise your forthcoming events or regular meetings. Just email your articles or event details to Our copy deadlines are always printed in the newsletter. Please note we do not accept unattributed articles for publication.

Think Loughton Winter Issue no 107

Current and Previous Newsletters

Think Loughton library

You can download a PDF copy of the current issue of Think Loughton and recent back issues. A free PDF viewer can be downloaded from

Think Loughton on tape

Think Loughton is also available on an audio tape to enable blind and partially sighted residents to enjoy the newsletter. This free service is provided on the council's behalf by Loughton Lions Talking Newspaper. The council is very grateful to the Loughton Lions for providing this useful service. If you or someone you know in the Loughton area would like to receive a recording on a regular basis please contact Loughton Town Council on 020 8508 4200 or e-mail:

Award winning newsletter

We are delighted that our parent organisation, the National Association of Local Councils, chose Think Loughton as the case study for its Communications Toolkit (2010): Getting Your Message Across.  This toolkit provides information and advice to those wishing to develop local community democracy.  Visit for more information.

As a 'Quality Gold' town council we are required to demonstrate that we communicate, consult and actively involve our electorate, local organisations and members of the public. Good communications and community involvement are considered critical to earning and maintaining the goodwill and trust of the community that we serve.

We endeavour to produce an engaging and informative quality publication with a wide-ranging appeal so that its first stop after delivery is not the recycling bin. The key aims of Think Loughton are to:
  • Promote the work of the town council
  • Engage with local electors
  • Support the work of local voluntary groups and charities
  • Provide information, including that from other tiers of local government and the police.
The most heartening words we hear are: 'I read about that in Think Loughton.'