Town & Deputy Town Mayors

The Town Mayor 2024/25

Cllr Katie Valentine



The Deputy Town Mayor 2024/25

Cllr Les House



Invite the Mayor

The Town Mayor welcomes invitations from local community and charity groups, schools and religious bodies to their events, also from families who have special achievements to celebrate, for example 100th birthdays and diamond anniversaries, so he can present civic greetings.

It is important that you give plenty of notice when sending an invitation as the Mayor’s diary can get very busy. He will try to get to as many of these events as possible, but if engagements clash, he will arrange for the Deputy Town Mayor or a Past Town Mayor to attend instead.

If you are interested in inviting the Mayor to your event, please complete the invitation form. Make sure you include the venue, date, time you would expect the Mayor to arrive and a brief outline of the organisation and nature of the event. Please also include any duties you would expect the Mayor to carry out – particularly if you wish the Mayor to say a few words publicly then include some background information. On receipt, we will contact you in due course to confirm whether the Mayor is available.

Please note: the Mayor of Loughton is only able to attend events within the town boundary; for all events taking place outside of the boundary but within Epping Forest District Council authority you should contact the Chairman’s secretary on 01992 564427 or email:

If you are not sure please contact us.

Past Town Mayors and Chairmen

Details of our previous Chairmen & Vice-Chairmen, Town and Deputy Town Mayors and Town Clerks, can be found here Past Chairmen.