Light up a Life

Published: 30 November 2021

Once again held a successful Light up a Life ceremony at Kings Green. Now in its Nineteenth year, the ceremony was well attended, given the extremely cold and blustery evening. Many local residents value this opportunity to come together and share a quiet time of reflection, with thoughts of loved ones and times shared. The event also helps provide welcome funds to support the work of the hospice.

We would like to thank Epping Forest Singers for leading the singing of carols. At Kings Green the Town Mayor, Councillor Rose Brookes, gave an address and switched on the lights. Revd Sue Creighton on behalf of Churches Together in Loughton led the prayers and Sushma Dhami, Patient and Family Support Services at St Clare Hospice also addressed the gathering. After the ceremony everyone was invited back to Loughton Methodist Church for tea, coffee and mince pies. The mince pies were kindly donated by Morrisons Supermarket.

For more information about St Clare Hospice please contact 01279 773750 or visit