Plant a Tree for the Queen's Jubilee

Published: 29 March 2022

In her speech Cllr Brookes explained that the Councillors of the Recreation Committee, the Committee that is responsible for the open spaces in Loughton, agreed that a tree should be planted at The Murray Hall, and this date had been set in accordance with the Queen’s Green Canopy planting programme.   But after the devastation of Storm Eunice back in February where the Memorial Rose Garden lost two trees, it was agreed that it would be more suitable to plant the tree here.

Thanks were given to Rod Hunt tree surgeon, from Arbtec who attended the Memorial Garden on the day of the Storm soon after the trees toppled. Rod and his team cleared the debris and made safe the area.  

The Town Mayor also thanked Mark Lovejoy of Gristwood and Toms Arboriculture Service who have provided this beautiful Maple Acer Campestre, Paul Hoy our Services Manager and Debbie Taylor, Services Officer for all their work in the aftermath of the Storm and in enabling the tree ceremony to take place here in such short notice.

Special thanks were also given to Mark Petit of St. Michaels Church, because he attended the garden following the Storm, Mark removed the commemorative plaques from the damaged benches and Loughton Town council now have them in the office for safe-keeping.

“We hope you will enjoy the Memorial Garden for many years and watch the tree grow into a crowning glory”