Roding Valley Recreation Ground Playground

Published: 25 August 2023

Loughton Town Council is pleased to announce that the Roding Valley Recreation Ground Children’s playground is now officially open.

The rationale was to remove the old playground, which had seen far better days, and build a new one on higher ground. As the River Roding increasingly bursts its banks, the ground around the old playground was often flooded, making access to the playground very difficult. 

It has been an interesting project, with three separate stages. 1. Dismantling the old playground. 2. Relocating to a new area next to the Running Track and Tennis courts, involving new foundations and groundwork. 3. New build with new innovative and inclusive apparatus.

The new playground features 9 central items of play equipment, including the ‘viper rope swing, (just outside the fencing) with 50 physically and mentally stimulating play features.

Our thanks along the way, go to White bridge Primary School and The Alderton Junior School, for assisting in the consultation process and choice of play equipment and to Loughton Library for hosting the wider public consultation.

We have already received great feedback on the new playground, which is now ‘buzzing’ as children enjoy this new facility.