Loughton Horticultural Show and Town Mayor's Best Allotment Competition Presentation

Published: 07 September 2023

Loughton Horticultural Show 2023 and
Town Mayor’s Best Allotment Awards
Loughton Town Council’s Horticultural Show is back. Following last year’s successful event the show was again staged on Saturday 2 September 2023, proving a great success. Open to any Loughton resident with an interest in gardening, baking and flower arranging – the afternoon proved to be a delightful and welcome community event. Exhibits included Coronation themed floral arrangements, beautiful blooms, an array of assorted flavoured chutneys and jams, home baked Victoria sponge cakes and tables laid full of prize worthy vegetables and fruit!
Assessment took place following strict judging conditions. Loughton Town Council is extremely grateful to the Judges and Volunteers who gave their time and expertise in making the show a success.
Winners of the ‘Best in Show’ went to Francis Sheridan, with his amazing Funniest Cress Head, (photos attached of the winner receiving his award from the Town Mayor, Cllr Mick Stubbings).
The public were treated to a plant sale with a wonderful selection of hardy perennials, and winter bedding from Matthews Plants; and teas and coffees were served with mouth-watering homemade delicious cakes along with a selection of cakes kindly donated by Cook Loughton - all donations on the day which were raised went to Grow Community Garden.
Judging took place for the Town Mayor’s Best Allotment in Loughton, now in its 13th year, in July with plots from the Loughton Potato Ground, the Roding Road and Willingale Road allotments. Over 200 allotments were inspected by shortlisting volunteers, from these shortlisted plots the final judging was made on 12 July 2023 by Ray How and Robin Warner representatives of the National Allotment Society.
The prize presentation took place at the end of the Horticultural Show. The overall winner was The Sheridan Family from the Roding Road allotments who also received a certificate for the Site Winner.
The Sheridan family were presented with the Horticultural Association Challenge Cup by the Town Mayor, Cllr Mick Stubbings, along with a £25 gift voucher and a certificate. The judges commented that they had utilised the space very well and they could see it was well used and cultivated by the whole family.
The Town Mayor’s Overall Best Newcomer award was made to Tracy Smythe from Roding Road Allotments who received the best newcomer’s shield and a certificate and also the Best Allotment on site award. The judges said, they had utilised the space very well and made a great start to their allotment plot. Best Newcomer on the Loughton Potato Ground was Joshua Boucher and Best Newcomer on Willingale Road Allotments was awarded to Sarah Barson.
Highly Commended and Commended winners were awarded certificates of which there were eleven each across the three allotment sites.
If you would like information about vacancies on local allotment sites, contact the Town Council.