Loughton Day 2023

Published: 19 September 2023

The sun shone, and large numbers of residents and visitors turned up to attend this inaugural Loughton Community event.  The Loughton Cricket Club field was filled with numerous community groups stalls, local organisations, and businesses.

There was something for everyone, with a great variety of community and charity stalls. The  Scouts cooked up a tasty BBQ, Churches Together provided a scrumptious tea tent and the Caribbean food stall proved very popular.

Once again Loughton Wombles were out in force, keeping the cricket field litter free, and Thames Water provided a drinking station to keep all visitors hydrated. We are extremely grateful to them both.

We are very grateful to  Daniel Robinson, Church Hill for their generous donation and sponsorship of the event.

Our Town Councillors ran a Tombola stall with all money going to the Town Mayor’s chosen charity, The Guide Dogs.

Finally, we are also extremely grateful to Loughton Cricket Club for hosting this Town Council event which proved to be a great success.

The whole concept and ethos of the event was successfully achieved; to bring the Loughton community together and for local groups to advertise exactly ‘what they do’ and promote interest and increase memberships for their respective organisations they represent and work so hard for to make Loughton a better and more inclusive place to live.

Loughton Town Council has received very positive feedback from participants and residents alike. The most frequent questions is, can we do it all again next year!