Playing Field Awards 2023

Published: 23 October 2023


Playing Field Awards 2023

Councillor David Wixley, Chairman of the Recreation Committee, and Paul Hoy, Services Manager, attended the AGM and Awards Evening of the Essex Playing Fields Association in Chelmsford on Thursday 19 October 2023.

On behalf of the Town Council, they were delighted to receive five gold certificates from this year’s “Best Kept Playing Field” competition. Both Town Council recreation grounds, Roding Valley Recreation Ground and Willingale Road Playing Field, received gold certificates in Class 1 (for playing fields serving communities of more than 2,500 residents), and three gold certificates were gained in Class 3 (best kept children’s playgrounds), for Traps Hill, Newmans Lane, and Westall Road Playgrounds respectively.

This achievement is very much a team effort and must therefore be accredited in equal measure to the Town Council’s Park Warden Team, its contractors Pinnacle and Qualis Property Solutions (formerly Epping Forest District Council Grounds maintenance), volunteer litter pickers and the Town Council’s Services Team office staff, who co-ordinate all the aforementioned, as well as the operation as a whole. All are thanked for their hard work and dedication throughout the past year.


Mark Squire / Paul Hoy

23 October 2023