Loughton Building Design Award 2024

Published: 13 November 2023

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Loughton Building Design Awards 2024

NOMINATIONS are invited for this annual awards scheme, which aims to celebrate good design and give public recognition to recent local building projects in Loughton that make a positive contribution to the local environment. As a Town Council, we continually seek to protect and enhance our town and reward those individual examples of good design and construction and/or sympathetic restoration.

Residents, architects, developers, building contractors and owners are all encouraged to nominate their favourite building projects that were completed within the last two years.
If there’s a new development, whether commercial or residential, or a refurbished property that has caught your eye and deserves to be celebrated, this is an opportunity to send in your nomination. Schemes can be large or small – from a simple alteration to a large new development.

The closing date for nominations is Wednesday 31 January 2024, with presentations to the award winners made at the Annual Town Meeting on Tuesday 5 March 2024 in the Murray Hall. Nomination forms can be downloaded from our website using the link below:

LBD nomination form 2024.docx (live.com)

Last year’s winner: Limber, 49 Church Lane


A great deal of time and effort has been taken with this. A fine job has been done with the detailing, particularly the bold extension of the modillion cornice. Everything is right, it all looks in keeping and makes a worthy addition to the varied streetscapes of Church Lane and adds interest to the scene at the crossroads. The builders have managed to make it look entirely as if it belongs. Atelier73, the architects, have, we think made a good job, and thoroughly deserve the award.”

Note to editor: For immediate release

For more information contact: Mark Squire or Debra Paris

Loughton Town Council | 020 8508 4200 | contact@loughton-tc.gov.uk

Date: 13 November 2023