Mindless Vandalism

Published: 18 June 2017

The Town Council is extremely disappointed to report that the new outdoor table tennis table on the Willingale Road Playing Field has been vandalised.

It was only installed in April this year at a cost of £2,000 thanks to a successful grant application to the Community Initiatives Fund run by Essex County Council.

The damage was discovered during a routine inspection of the site.

Town Clerk, Enid Walsh said “it is very frustrating that facilities provided for use by all the community are treated in this way. With the summer holidays fast approaching, this equipment would have provided hours of free fun entertainment for our young residents. We are in touch with the suppliers to see if repairs are feasible”

Anyone with information on the perpetrators is asked to contact the council on 020 8508 4200, Essex Police on 101 or online at https://www.essex.police.uk/do-it-online/

Alternatively, information can be provided anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.